Online Training for Health Professionals

Help your patients protect their health by reducing their exposure to air pollution. This page includes:

  • information for you about the cardiac and respiratory health effects associated with outdoor air pollution exposure
  • educational materials for your patients

Wildfire Smoke and Your Patients’ Health On-line Training: Learn about the health effects associated with wildfire smoke, populations and lifestages at greater risk, and steps patients should take before and during a wildfire to reduce smoke exposure.

Doctor and patient pictureParticle Pollution and Your Patients' Health On-line Training  An extensive body of scientific evidence shows exposure to ambient particles may lead to a range of adverse health effects, including cardiovascular and respiratory effects, and even premature death. This course will provide practitioners with applicable knowledge they can pass on to patients to help reduce overall risk of particle pollution-related health effects, particularly in individuals with heart and lung disease. It includes clinical scenarios and FAQs to help you answer your patients questions. 

Ozone and Your Patients' Health On-line Training  - This is a short evidence-based training course for health care providers that explains the physiological effects of ozone and ways people can reduce their exposure to ozone. It includes clinical scenarios and FAQs to help you answer your patients' questions.