Air Quality Videos

For Kids

Title Description Video
Why is Coco Red? A narrated version of the children’s book, Why is Coco Red? Coco and his friends experience another air quality adventure. Coco, his little sister and friends solve a mystery as they learn about how wildfires can affect air quality and health. This book is for all children, especially those with asthma, and their caretakers.

Why is Coco Orange?

Coco has a problem. He’s a chameleon, but he can’t change colors, and his asthma is acting up. View how Coco and his friends at Lizard Lick Elementary solve this mystery as they learn about air quality and how to stay healthy when the air quality is bad. This video is for all children, especially those with asthma, and their caretakers. Ages 4-8.

For Your Health

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EPA Flag Program in Navajo Language This video, from the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, describes the Air Quality Flag Program and how organizations raise a flag every day that corresponds to how clean or polluted the air is. The color of the flag matches EPA's Air Quality Index (AQI): green, yellow, orange, red, purple and maroon. This information allows people to adjust physical activities to help reduce exposure to air pollution while still staying active. For more information, visit

Navajo and English
Watch on the Northern Arizona University website Exit Airnow
How to Make a Video - EPA Flag Program in Navajo This video, from the Institute for Tribal Environmental Professionals, describes the Air Quality Flag Program and how to make a video. For more information, visit

Navajo and English
Watch on the Northern Arizona University website Exit Airnow

Smart, Protect Your Heart from Air Pollution

It’s American Heart Month. Did you know you can use the AQI to help protect your heart? Check out EPA’s new PSA on air pollution and heart health

Breathing Freely: Controlling Asthma Triggers

Featuring conversations with medical professionals and parents of children with asthma, this video presents the role of the environment in triggering and worsening asthma attacks and offers ways to manage asthma to help children lead normal, healthy lives

Controlando los Factores del Asme

En el Día Mundial del Asma, 2004, EPA ha publicado un nuevo video educativo. La EPA se esfuerza en fomentar los conocimientos sobre el rol de los factores ambientales del asma para ayudar a los que sufren de asma.

Forecast Earth: Air Aware

The Weather Channel's program "Forecast Earth", aired an EPA-sponsored segment in November 2005. Air Aware, highlights how air quality can affect people and their health, focuses on state and local programs and outlines how to take action. Watch on Vimeo Exit Airnow

EPA Pacific Southwest Wildfire

Title Description Video
Why is Coco Red? Read Along Martha Guzman, EPA Regional Administrator Join EPA Region 9 Administrator Martha Guzman as she reads “Why is Coco Red?” In this book, developed for children 4-8 and their caregivers, Coco the Chameleon and his friends learn about wildfires and air quality
¿Por qué Coco es rojo? Lea junto con Martha Guzman, la Administradora de R9 Únase a la administradora de la Región 9, Martha Guzmán, en la lectura de “¿Por qué Coco está rojo?” En este libro, desarrollado para niños de 4 a 8 años y sus cuidadores, Coco el Camaleón y sus amigos aprenden sobre los incendios forestales y la calidad del aire.

Air Quality Awareness Means Being Smoke Ready

AirNow can help you prepare for wildfire smoke! U.S. EPA Pacific Southwest Regional Administrator Martha Guzman discusses what it means to be smoke ready, AirNow tools to help you find your current air quality, and with videos and publications that are available in both English and Spanish. For more information, see or the Fire and Smoke Map at

Concientización sobre la calidad del aire significa estar Smoke Ready (listo para el humo)

¡AirNow le puede ayudar a prepararse para el humo de los incendios forestales! La administradora regional de la Oficina del Sudoeste del Pacífico de la EPA Martha Guzman discute lo que significa estar listo para el humo. Las herramientas de AirNow le ayudan a encontrar su calidad del aire actual, y los videos y publicaciones disponibles ahora tanto en inglés como en español. Para más información, vea o nuestro Mapa de Incendios Forestales y Humo en
Protecting Children from Wildfire Smoke in the Pacific Southwest Dr. Stephanie Holm, Co-Director of the Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit, shares information on what you can do to reduce wildfire smoke exposure for kids. The Western States Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Unit is an EPA partner.
Protección de los niños contra el humo de incendios forestales en la Región del Pacífico y Suroeste La Dra. Stephanie Holm, co-directora de la Unidad Especializada en Salud Ambiental Infantil para los Estados Occidentales, comparte información sobre qué puede hacer para reducir la exposición de los niños al humo de los incendios forestales. La Unidad Especializada en Salud Ambiental Infantil para los Estados Occidentales colabora con la EPA.
Be Smoke Ready: Know Where to Go for Air Quality Info Being Smoke Ready means knowing where to get air quality information. This video provides a demonstration of US EPA’s air quality tools for tracking smoke levels during wildland fires.
Esté listo para el humo: Sepa a dónde acudir para obtener información sobre la calidad del aire Estar listo para el humo significa saber dónde obtener información sobre la calidad del aire. Este video provee una demostración de las herramientas de calidad del aire de la EPA de EE.
Be Smoke Ready: Know the Colors of the Air Quality Index (AQI) Being Smoke Ready means knowing the colors of the Air Quality Index, or AQI. Smoke from wildland fires contains tiny particles called PM2.5 that can be bad for you. The AQI can tell you how much PM2.5 is in the air, and what to do to protect your health. This video explains the AQI for PM2.5.
Esté listo para el humo: Conozca los colores del Índice de la Calidad del Aire Estar listo para el humo significa conocer los colores del Índice de Calidad del Aire o AQI, sus siglas en ingles. El humo de incendios forestales contiene pequeñas partículas llamadas PM2.5 que pueden ser nocivas para su salud. El índice AQI le puede indicar la cantidad de partículas PM2.5 en el aire y que debe hacer para proteger su salud. Este video explica el AQI para PM2.5.
Protect Family Mental Health During Wildfires Dr. Petra Steinbuchel, Director of the University of California-San Francisco Benioff Children’s Hospitals Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Portal, shares information on what you can do to protect your family’s mental health during wildfires and other stressful events
Proteja la salud mental de la familia durante los incendios forestales Dra. Petra Steinbuchel, directora del Programa de Psiquiatría para Niños y Adolescentes en el Hospital de Niños UCSF Benioff, comparte información sobre lo que puede hacer para proteger la salud mental de su familia durante incendios forestales y otros eventos estresantes.

Download Executable Files

Title Description File
How Ozone is Formed - Executable Ground level ozone, a harmful air pollutant, is formed when pollutants emitted by cars, power plants, industrial boilers, refineries, chemical plants, and other sources react chemically in the presence of sunlight. Executable
June 2006
How Ozone is Formed (for Kids) - Executable Learn how ozone is formed Executable
June 2006
Ozone: Good Up High Bad Nearby - Executable Ozone is a gas that occurs both in the Earth's upper atmosphere and at ground level. Ozone can be "good" or "bad" for your health and the environment, depending on its location in the atmosphere. Executable
March 2007
Particle Pollution - Executable Airborne particles, the main ingredient of haze, smoke, and airborne dust, present serious air quality problems in many areas of the United States. This particle pollution can occur year-round and it can cause a number of serious health problems, even at concentrations found in many major cities. Executable
March 2007